Today however it has struck me that I am the one doing most - if not all - the phoning and emailing.
So, one reads in magazines about how friends can come and go in one's life, how moving on from people is OK and that one leaves a friendship by slowly severing contact.
This leads me to wonder...
'How long does one persevere with a friendship if one is doing all the contacting?'
Are some of my 'friends' trying to severe contact with me, or are they just continually slack about replying to emails??
How does one know????
Thank you all for the thoughts. After trying again with a few phone calls and emails I have since heard from some of the friends I was wondering about ;-)
Oooooooo! Big Question Don't know.... don't you think friends should come with a handbook?
I would think you should mention it.. if they are friends, they should be able to just answer you... and if they don't answer you, then I suppose that in itself would be your answer. At least that is what I would do... I should think if it has been months since they have replied to something, though, then they might not be interested. Although who knows? I get distracted with life and forget to call people back for weeks on end... no with e-mail, though.
Sorry.. that's not very helpful. I guess you would just have to judge it...
Hmmmmm, that's a difficult one - but I know just what you mean - from both sides of the picture too. Not sure what the answer is though!
Lucy x
yep, know that feeling, have some friends like that! don't know what to do about it tho, so can't be much help - i just tend to ignore it and go on my own sweet way!
Uh-oh. I am sometimes that friend. Though I try hard to keep up, I sometimes let an email go unanswered even though I cherish the friendship of the sender. Hmmmm. Not sure if I can be of help in the "what-to-do" department, though. Maybe send one last email that isn't an update about you but says only, "How are you (name)? I've been thinking about you and wanted to catch up." If you hear nothing back, let it go.
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